
Symmetry’s Genesis All Day Antioxidant Protection

Genesis™ is a delicious mix of whole fruit grape and whole fruit pomegranate in a mélange of apple and Aloe Vera juice infused with a proprietary blend of super foods and healing herbs. Genesis delivers all the remarkable benefits associated with red wine’s resveratrol but without any alcohol, as much as ten bottles! And, remarkably resveratrol has been shown to halt the formation of certain fat cells providing an effective tool for natural weight loss! Research has concluded that fat cells make SIRT1 directly proportional to the amount of resveratrol they’re exposed to. SIRT1 halts the formation of immature fat cells which as they grow, contribute to the accumulation of dangerous abdominal fat.

Every one-ounce serving of Genesis contains:

• X’tranol-24™ • Primary and secondary antioxidants

• All-day protection from cell damage, inflammation, protein oxidation, DNA damage and more

• Whole fruit red grape and whole fruit pomegranate extracts

• A base of apple and Aloe Vera juice

• A proprietary blend of 14 powerful healing herbs

• 100% PhytoPure™ Juice blend

Genesis provides the miracle molecules: resveratrol and ellagic acid as well as powerful antioxidants, phytonutrients, and much more. These healing nutrients work at the cellular level to support the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, keeping your body feeling young and healthy.

photo source flickrcc by Rob Boudon

Genesis also contains the exclusive triple-patented X’tranol-24™ that delivers precisely measured nutrients and antioxidants in every serving. X’tranol-24 has patents that cover all phases of the development process including creation, delivery, and manufacturing that gently and efficiently extracts nutrients and antioxidants. Not only are those looking to maintain good health relying on Genesis and resveratrol to provide an edge against aging but to also provide support in the battle against obesity as well.

Saturating Your Cells with Potent Antioxidant Genesis

Think of resveratrol as you would water. Our bodies require constant hydration from water. Drinking water once in a while is not enough. For our bodies to perform well, water is a vital requirement. In fact, during certain circumstances our bodies need more than the recommended eight glasses of water a day. Our bodies need resveratrol daily, too. As a matter of fact, the more scientists study the “French Paradox”, the more they learn about this amazing molecule. The French begin to drink wine, particularly red wine, at a very young age and continue to drink it with several meals a day throughout their lives. It appears that cells need to be saturated with resveratrol and the level of saturation needs to be sustained in order to gain the most benefits. The earlier you start and the more you saturate your cells, the greater the benefits will be. Symmetry’s breakthrough product; Genesis™ contains the amount of resveratrol found in as many as ten bottles of red wine, in every single-ounce serving without the alcohol! So you can start saturating all your cells with this life-nurturing tonic at any age. Not only that, only Genesis provides primary antioxidants, SOD and Glutathione, to guarantee sustained saturation, giving you complete 24-hour antioxidant protection.

 "click here buy Genesis"                                  

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