Importance of Nutritional Drink Supplementation

Q: How much product (nutritional supplementation) should I take?

A: As much as you need. Our society is very drug oriented, therefore we tend to think of supplements in the same way we think of drugs. Many want exact dosages for whatever ails us, thinking there should be a specific amount taken for one problem and a different amount for another problem. Vitamins and minerals are essential for health and well being; they are not toxic to liver or other organs as drugs are, but in fact, help those organs function more normally. The daily suggested intake or dosage of nutritional supplements is generally an amount that an average young man would take to stay healthy. Symmetry’s products aren’t drugs or medicines; they are natural supplements (vitamins, minerals and herbal formulas). Taking 2 or 3 times the suggested dose to start with is not a bad idea. Often with Genesis I suggest rather than using one bottle a month, try using one bottle a week for a month or two.

Q: Is it safe to take supplements if I’m on medication?

A: Generally speaking: Yes. The real answer here is: does your doctor care about what you have for lunch? If you can eat anything you want for lunch (breakfast, dinner or snacks), then you can take supplements. If your doctor wants to know about anything and everything you put in your mouth, ask before taking supplements. There have been some written articles suggesting that some patients shouldn’t take certain herbs, however, those articles reflect research done with very high doses of a single herb. Symmetry never uses single herbs in high doses. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, herbs are always mixed in specific and appropriate proportions, always as a formula that would have a minimum of 3 herbs and a maximum of 50 or more in a very complex but very balanced formula.

Q: Which products should I take for disease “X”?

A: Remember, supplements are not drugs - don’t think in terms of Western disease names. It’s better to think of the specific organ system or body area that you are trying to support. For example, arthritis is a disease of the joints (and we don’t treat disease) but the joints are an area that can be supported for normal functioning; something that Symmetry’s Glucosamine Formula™, Advanced Omega™, Botana C™, EaseGM™ or Genesis™ could be helpful for. Basically, if you have a health concern, you should be taking more of the supplement that can support that specific area.

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